After checking in, we took showers and got ready as fast as possible so we could make it to Fifth Avenue in time for our "Sex & the City" tour. Let me preface this by saying that I have never once seen an episode of "Sex and the City" but it's Nicole's favorite show so she really wanted to go. regardless, it was really fun because we got to take a bus around the city and see all of the hotspots.

It ended up being about 80+ degrees on Thursday so we were pretty hot (in more ways than one, haha!). It was a gorgeous day, though.

We had to meet in front of Plaza Hotel for the tour and it was a beautiful. Tulips were in bloom all over the city.

Here we are in front of the Plaza Hotel fountain. Everytime we'd take out our camera to take a picture of ourselves, a nice New Yorker would ask if we wanted them to take one of us. This was honestly the friendliest city I've ever been to. You know all the stories you hear about rude New Yorkers? It's not like that at all. Service was awesome, people were always willing to direct us anywhere before we even asked, and people just said hi to us when we passed by. I loved it!

We ended up getting to our meeting spot early so we went into FAO Schwartz, which was across the street. That was the coolest toy store I've ever been to! It also had the giant piano from "Big". Everywhere we went there was a famous spot from a movie. On our tour, they said that New York is the most filmed city in America. I believe it.

FAO Schwartz had a section for everything. They had a Star Wars section and a Harrry Potter one. I had to take pictures with Ron Weasley for Mallory.

I loved the buildings in this city. I kept thinking about all of the TV shows and movies I've grown up watching and how I was finally seeing what I'd always imagined the city to look like.

On our tour, we stopped at Magnolia Bakery for cupcakes. They were the best cupcakes I've had.

Next to the bakery was a cute little park, called Abingdon Square. I loved that there were parks all over the city. It made it such a pretty city and you didn't feel like you were in the city a lot of the time, especially once we got to Central Park later on.

Our last stop on the tour was a bar called O'Nieals. Nicole and I enjoyed the outside while everybody else spent $9 on cosmos. Yep, call me cheap.
How exciting!! The apartment building reminds me of "Friends". I love your posts so far and I'm so glad you've joined the blogging bandwagon. :-)
Thanks for sharing your adventures! NYC is so much fun. I haven't been since high school, but I loved it! I'll be a regular blog reader! :)
So, you hit up Magnolia and macked on some cupcakes...
...I heard that bakery's got all the bomb frosting!
i refuse to spend money like that on drinks too! you should have just gone and sat at the bar until the waitress came over with two cosmos and said "these are from the gentlemen at the corner booth".
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