Thursday, March 21, 2013

Training toward the ultimate goal

When I read Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind" last year, it not only transformed my mind, but it transformed my life as well. Embracing the reality that transformation really begins and ends with my thoughts has been so impactful for me.

I came across another author who had similar impactful advice. James Bryan Smith states in his book, "The Good and Beautiful God" that, "I have come to believe that the problem is not that we do not want to change, nor is the problem that we are not trying to change. The problem is that we are not training. We have never been taught a reliable pattern of transformation".
I believe he is right and that more people should know this. In order to become who we want to be, we must practice. Specifically we are called to transform our minds to be more like Christ.
The author reminded me of how many comparisons Paul made in the Bible between the Christian's life and the athlete's life. We must train in order to reach our goals. It takes a lot of practice in order to get better at endurance but it is well worth the effort.
I can attest to this. Although I have a long way to go in reaching my goals, I have come so far in the past year since I have started this technique. I worry less, I love more, and I Know what peace feels like.
If you haven't started transforming your mind, you can start anytime. Don't be discouraged. It takes a really long time to develop new thinking skills and just when you will feel like giving up, you'll see yourself encountering the enemy and, with God's help, you'll have a small victory. Those victories are addicting so keep plowing through until you get one. There will be lots more where that one came from!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

God's Big Heart

Have you ever had a moment where you felt like you were seeing the world the way God does, one heart at a time? I love when he gives me a small glimpse into his heart, as he did today.
I sometimes forget about just how important my role at my job is. God gives me the opportunity to interact with hundreds of patients every week. With God's grace, I maintain a compassionate and positive attitude most of the time, but there are still times when I need to be reminded of just how important that is and why. Today God gave me that reminder.
I had the opportunity to videotape one of my patients discussing her diagnosis and the impact it has wrought on her life. She shared all of the gritty details, bringing tears to my eyes. Then she got yo the part where she came to our office. I got to hear the beautiful story of how our doctors and staff impacted her life and, ultimately, gave her resources to enable her to have a more positive quality of life. Although her diagnosis is unique and she will never be fully cured, she has, with the help of God, been blessed with a much better quality of life than she thought possible three years ago. She talked about the doctors that I work for and the compassion and patience that they've had with her. It was such a blessing to hear. Then she really tugged at my heartstrings as she discussed the impact that I have personally had on her. She said that the compassion that I have for my patients and for her makes her feel loved, important, supported and like family. It is that very attitude that encourages her when she walks through our office door. That support has given her strength and encouragement to get through this rough journey.
I was truly struck by how God must view her. He must love her so much. I truly believe that God's compassionate heart is so much bigger than anything we could possibly comprehend. I am so blown away when I think of the big impact that my small act has made. It makes me realize just how big God's loving heart is.

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